Oh dear, how embarassing. It’s the sort of situation that every straight guy like Scott Finn fears. He was texting with his girl and sending her some pics of his throbbing cock. Just at that moment, his gay friend Dante calls him, and he accidentally sends a dick pic to him! Dante is surprised – his gaydar never pointed at Scott, although he had been attracted to him for a long time. Surprised, but definately not shocked. In fact, as you can imagine, Dante’s gay cock starts to throb as well, and without even replying to his friend, he is on his way round to see him in person. When Scott opens the door to his friend, he is about to apologize for the inadvertant dick pic, when Dante immediately gets down on his knees, grabs Dante’s still hard penis out of his pants, and begins to greedily suck! Scott is shocked, but at the same time, he starts to realize that this feels even better than his girlfriend sucking him!